<p> The new buffer's position will be zero, its limit will be its
capacity, its mark will be undefined, and each of its elements will be
initialized to zero. Whether or not it has a
{@link #hasArray backing array} is unspecified.
@param capacity
The new buffer's capacity, in bytes
@return The new byte buffer
@throws IllegalArgumentException
If the <tt>capacity</tt> is a negative integer
Allocates a new direct byte buffer.
<p> The new buffer's position will be zero, its limit will be its capacity, its mark will be undefined, and each of its elements will be initialized to zero. Whether or not it has a {@link #hasArray backing array} is unspecified.
@param capacity The new buffer's capacity, in bytes
@return The new byte buffer
@throws IllegalArgumentException If the <tt>capacity</tt> is a negative integer